A superb case-study I just discovered that was published earlier this summer, outlines many of the strategies EqualTogether is working on enabling employers to seize—and, huzzah, make measurable strides from! Private-facing functionality for employers to see how their employees performance reviews fare by age, race, and gender, are among the powerful Employer Dashboard tools slated for development in the year ahead.
A great snippet from the article on how employers can act on diversity analytics to see a quick returns, is below:
My sole "nit" with the article, is that they reference gender equity as "the female ratio." This just feels abrasive. Why? Because first and foremost, it demonstrates a poor understanding and subsequently, a superficial plan-of-attack around rectifying gender imbalance across roles and throughout a workforce.One of our customers shared a story with me recently. Their VP of Culture and Diversity was puzzled that despite hiring a more diverse workforce, their minority ratio hadn’t improved. By digging into their full range of data and quickly analysing results for different locations, teams, roles, tenures, pay grades and more, they were able to uncover and pinpoint the exact cause of their challenge. They found that three groups of specific minority employees were walking away faster than they were hiring. Diverse employees in a certain department and role, with a certain age and tenure, were more likely to resign. They were then able to cost and implement programs to address these very specific groups, and get quick results. More importantly they were able to use evidence to explain this to their executive leadership team.
By having a clear picture of the overall health of your organization’s diversity levels, you can identify areas for improvement, then implement diversity programs with laser-guided precision. By tracking progress over time, you can demonstrate the ROI of your efforts.